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Client: Grabfood  2021

Project: Đêm Nay Ai Đói Viral Clip

  • Project Director: Trieu Nguyen

  • Lead Producer: Bao Anh Hoang

  • Producer: Huyen Tran, Dat Nguyen, Tai Dinh

  • Lead Graphic: Greenie Nguyen

  • Graphic: Vy Vo, Phuc Hai

  • Content Writer: Minh Du, Hoang Khoi

Werewolf Game - a famous board game that makes players scratch their heads because of other players' lies, and also because of... hunger. It's late at night, you're hungry, you're sleepy, and playing werewolf gives you a headache. What's better than using the Grabfood app to order late-night food?

I am in charge of the graphic design and image quality management for the viral clip. This project is a collaboration with the Minh Du team and is one of the smoothest, fun, and inspiring projects.


Design the main poster of the project

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